1-Capilano Suspension Bridge – Vancouver

Is venturing to the heights what you are looking for? Then crossing the Capilano Suspension Bridge in Vancouver will be your perfect tour.

2-Banff National Park – Alberta

Do you want to know a UNESCO world heritage site? Banff National Park in Alberta is a great option.

3-CN Tower – Toronto

If you are more urban, want to visit a different attraction and feel butterflies in your stomach, the tip is to walk along the edge of the third tallest tower in the world, the CN Tower.

4-Parliament Hill – Ottawa

Parliament Hills, or Paliament Hill, is an incredible attraction for anyone who is passionate about architecture, politics and history.

5-Niagara Falls – Ontario

In the province of Ontario, you will find one of nature's greatest spectacles: Niagara Falls.

6-Botanic Garden – Montreal

Canada accumulates titles of grandeur and the Botanic Garden of Montreal also enters this list as one of the greatest botanical gardens in the world.

7-National Gallery of Canada – Ottawa

Se você é apaixonado por arte e cultura, deve visitar um grandioso prédio de vidro localizado na capital canadense, Ottawa.

8-Peggy's Point Lighthouse – Nova Scotia

Although the province of Nova Scotia has more than 160 lighthouses, Peggy’s Point stands out as one of the most photographed in Canada.

9-Stanley Park – Vancouver

O Stanley Park abriga cerca de meio milhão de árvores e é rodeado pela Seawall, um calçadão à beira mar que contorna toda a área.

10-Basilica-Cathedral Notre-Dame de Québec

Com sua beleza arquitetônica de estilo neoclássico, a Catedral de Notre-Dame atrai turistas não apenas pelo seu caráter religioso, mas por sua riqueza de detalhes artísticos.

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