Alitalia A330 Business Class

Alitalia A330

The Alitalia A330 Business Class offers a comfortable and luxurious experience for passengers.

Layout & Design

The layout and design of Alitalia's A330 business class cabin is both sleek and functional. The seats are arranged in a staggered pattern, providing ample space for each passenger.

Seat Comfort & Amenities

The seats are designed to provide maximum comfort during long-haul flights with adjustable headrests, lumbar support, and a fully flat bed position for sleeping.

Dining & Beverage

Passengers can enjoy a variety of delicious Italian dishes, including antipasti, pasta, and meat entrees.

Inflight Entertainment

With a vast selection of the latest movies, TV shows, and music albums, passengers can stay engaged throughout their journey.

Service Quality

From the moment you step onto the plane, you are greeted by friendly flight attendants who make sure your every need is met.

A330 Business Class

With its comfortable seats, delectable food choices and impeccable service standards, it's truly an experience worth trying out.